
Grid Sector F14

Grid Sector F14 is located at Coordinates 600-700/1400-1500 , in Far North Ocean. It is one of the most Northern grid sectors. It is continued to West with Grid Sector E14, to East with Grid Sector G14 and to South with Grid Sector F13.

General Info


The only sims found here are far to South, at grid sector's border.

In past, a tiny sim group existed more to North, named A114, but it later disintegrated. Sims there changed often and currently none of the sims found in 2014 are still online. Since A114 disintegrated, all 8 sims found in this grid sector are considered Unassociated Sims.

Internal Grid Structures

See Also

Second Life Geography

List Of Microcontinents And Sim Clusters

List Of Grid Sectors
